Monday, March 17, 2025

Applied Epic Management System...

Applied Epic® is the world’s most widely used management platform. It allows...

5 Tips to Consider...

As we start a new year, we must consider improving our financial health...


 Offering The Best Coverage Bogle Agency Insurance of Lyndhurst NJ offers Chubb Masterpiece Auto...

Ladder Strategy Approach: Multiple...

“This post may contain affiliate links, if you click a link we may...

Michigan Lost Wages Claim From Car Accident

In Michigan, a No-Fault lost wages claim from a car accident refers to the compensation you may be entitled to (85% of a person’s wages, tax-free, for up to three years from the date of the crash – regardless of fault) for the income you lost due to injuries sustained which prevent you from returning to work. For crash victims and their families who are already worried about recovering from injuries, getting necessary medical care and continuing to pay bills, this No-Fault benefit is one of the most important legal rights that people have under our state’s unique auto No Fault law. What are lost wages...

Top 4 Fall Driving Hazards (And How to...

The start of fall brings a lot of welcome things: a new school year, cooler temps and changing leaves. You may not notice it right away, but your daily commute is affected by the shorter days and changing weather, too. (For example: Did you know wet leaves can be as slippery as ice?) Stay alert this fall. Here are the top things to look out for when you’re on the road: 1. Rain and wet leavesAs the weather cools down, the rain picks up. Combine that with lower temperatures and you’ll find your tires may have less grip than they did in the summer months. To start, always drive cautiously...

The Virgen Family’s Real Life Disability Insurance Story

#top .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d{ padding-bottom:10px; } body .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d .av-special-heading-tag .heading-char{ font-size:25px; } .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d .av-subheading{ font-size:15px; } The Virgen Family’s Real Life Disability Insurance Story .av_font_icon.av-l7rpfend-5a44124eb361e4db35452f46a075db10{ color:#7bb0e7; border-color:#7bb0e7; } .av_font_icon.av-l7rpfend-5a44124eb361e4db35452f46a075db10 .av-icon-char{ font-size:40px; line-height:40px; width:40px; } Download the PDF #top{ height:40px; } .avia-image-container.av-l7rpb0ad-dfc1e558e52db4b0b7eaa398998eeb3c img.avia_image{ box-shadow:none; } .avia-image-container.av-l7rpb0ad-dfc1e558e52db4b0b7eaa398998eeb3c .av-image-caption-overlay-center{ color:#ffffff; } #top .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6{ padding-bottom:10px; } body .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-special-heading-tag .heading-char{ font-size:25px; } .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-subheading{ font-size:15px; } Hello #top...

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...


White Mountains capitalised Bermuda collateralized reinsurer to support MGA Bamboo

Earlier this year, White Mountains committed up to $30 million in capital for a Bermuda-based collateralized reinsurance structure that provides sidecar-like support to its...

Aspen Capital Markets AUM surpasses $2bn, up 38% in a year. Fee income up 45% in Q3

Aspen Capital Markets, the third-party and alternative reinsurance capital management unit of global re/insurer Aspen, continued to increase its assets under management in the...

Cheap Car Insurance with No Deposit: Debunking the Truth and Finding Cheap Coverage 

Cheap Car Insurance with no deposit might seem tempting but it does not really exist. At least no legitimate company provides car insurance...

Rokstone partners with NormanMax syndicate for global parametric product

Global specialty insurance and reinsurance managing general agent Rokstone has announced a new partnership with parametric specialist NormanMax, that will see the MGA offering...

ILS growth spurs greater flexibility in secondary market: AXA IM’s Divet

With the insurance-linked securities market continuing its expansion, the secondary market is becoming more liquid, enabling ILS managers to adopt more dynamic allocation strategies...

Are You Ready for the 2023 Open Enrollment Period?

More than likely, if you are working with a health insurance broker, you have heard that the tenth annual enrollment period for the ACA is coming up. The enrollment period runs from November 1st to January 15th in the...

When is a Car Considered Totaled—And What Happens When It Is?

The first step in determining whether a car is totaled (or, in insurance terms, a total loss) is to calculate its actual cash value (ACV) at the time of the loss. The ACV is how much your vehicle is...

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Empire Life Blog The Unprecedented Scope and Investment Opportunity of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution may be a watershed moment in human history, eclipsing the transformative power of its predecessors through the fusion of physical,...

Not a sign of doom and gloom if 2024 isn’t a record year for cat bonds: Brad Adderley, Appleby

Speaking with Artemis, Brad Adderley, Partner at global law firm Appleby, emphasised that while 2024 may not be a record year for catastrophe bond...

Cara Membuat Emping Melinjo yang Renyah dan Gurih

Nah, di artikel ini, kita bakal bahas cara...

5 Ways Covered California Can Assist You

Understanding health insurance and finding the right coverage isn’t always easy. There is a lot to comprehend, and often, accessing important and practical information...

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Understanding Full Retirement Age and Your Best Options

Leaving the workforce can be challenging, and you may struggle to decide the best time to retire. Typically, individuals will aim for full retirement...

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What You Need to Know

With the arrival of early spring, hail season is upon us, bringing the potential for costly property damage. According to recent reports, hail is responsible for some of the most frequent and expensive insurance claims in the U.S. In...

Drafting A Simple Will is a Great New Year’s Resolution — Legal Insurance Blog — December 28, 2023

The New Year is a great time to set new goals and work on self-improvement. Often, people make resolutions to improve their health, finances, or relationships. However, one area that is frequently overlooked is estate planning. A simple will...

CH Insurance, Your LOCAL Partner for Insurance, Risk Management & Group Benefits

Massive shifts have transformed workplaces and the world, including the insurance industry. From the advent of AI and digital innovations to evolving customer expectations, each era has brought challenges and opportunities within the insurance industry. Spanning multiple generations, the CH...

5 Tips to Consider — Legal Insurance Blog — December 26, 2023

As we start a new year, we must consider improving our financial health and wellness. One area that requires special attention is credit card management. Credit cards have become ubiquitous, but getting into trouble with them is too easy....

How to Save Money on Holiday Travel

Whether you’re planning an international vacation or taking the kids to see their grandparents, here’s how to book the best possible tripby Nicole Dieker October 30, 2023  |   Money The holidays are nearly upon us, which means it might...

Boshers secures funding towards #2minutebeachclean `go-to’ litter pick app

Last Updated on November 19, 2021 by adminBoshers has donated its £3,750 grant from Ecclesiastical Insurance to The 2 Minute Foundation. The funding will help achieve their aims to see a world without plastic litter and pollution and to...

Fire safety regulations for holiday homes in England and Wales

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by adminFull length, written fire risk assessments, covering all aspects of fire safety, have become a legal requirement for properties offering sleeping accommodation to paying guests from the 1st October 2023. This means...

Government shuts the door on second home tax loophole

Last Updated on January 17, 2022 by adminGenuine small holiday letting businesses in England to be protected by closure of second home tax loopholeOwners of second homes in England who abuse a tax loophole by claiming their often-empty properties...

Get ‘hurricane ready’ before storms threaten home or business

Hurricanes can be among nature’s most destructive events.   Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, though storms can take place outside of those dates. Take steps to minimize damage and speed...

Pandemic put spotlight on virtual home inspections

Virtual home inspections, necessary during the pandemic, remain popular because of convenience.   When you buy home insurance, the amount of coverage you purchase should be the amount that it would cost to rebuild...

Learn about insurance so you can choose like a pro

Just as you would before any important purchase, do some research before buying insurance.   Many people research expensive purchases like homes, cars, or gadgets to make sure they get the best value for their...

Review your business life insurance policy annually

Life insurance can be a valuable part of your business plans.   We recognize and expect changes in the economy, but the uncertainty of those changes calls us to be vigilant in our business continuation...

5 Common Money Squabbles for Married Couples, and How to Address Them

How to handle common money fights before they ruin your relationshipby Nicole Dieker October 28, 2023  |   Money If you and your partner fight about money, you’re not alone. And if most of your money squabbles are about financial...

Tips to help control insurance costs

You can control some aspects of your insurance costs. Your independent agent can help.   Much like the price of groceries and gasoline, insurance premiums are increasing. Especially if you haven’t had a claim, you...

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...

Renters Insurance: The Important Things College Students Need to Know

As a college student, we know there’s a lot on your mind as the school year approaches. From meeting new friends and gaining independence to writing research papers and eating (sometimes questionable) food in the dining hall, the last...

The Virgen Family’s Real Life Disability Insurance Story

#top .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d{ padding-bottom:10px; } body .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d .av-special-heading-tag .heading-char{ font-size:25px; } .av-special-heading.av-m1gw79xq-a3c653dc50f1f1b54e7d6861cc87413d .av-subheading{ font-size:15px; } The Virgen Family’s Real Life Disability Insurance Story .av_font_icon.av-l7rpfend-5a44124eb361e4db35452f46a075db10{ color:#7bb0e7; border-color:#7bb0e7; } .av_font_icon.av-l7rpfend-5a44124eb361e4db35452f46a075db10 .av-icon-char{ font-size:40px; line-height:40px; width:40px; } Download the PDF #top{ height:40px; } .avia-image-container.av-l7rpb0ad-dfc1e558e52db4b0b7eaa398998eeb3c img.avia_image{ box-shadow:none; } .avia-image-container.av-l7rpb0ad-dfc1e558e52db4b0b7eaa398998eeb3c .av-image-caption-overlay-center{ color:#ffffff; } #top .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6{ padding-bottom:10px; } body .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-special-heading-tag .heading-char{ font-size:25px; } .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-subheading{ font-size:15px; } Hello #top .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6{ padding-bottom:10px; } body .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-special-heading-tag .heading-char{ font-size:25px; } .av-special-heading.av-av_heading-ab2aba26b813680f65c2b71dc0c00fc6 .av-subheading{ font-size:15px; } Hello The post The Virgen Family’s Real Life Disability Insurance Story appeared...

Survivorship Life Insurance: Joint Coverage for Couples Seeking Wealth Transfer Efficiency

“This post may contain affiliate links, if you click a link we may earn a commission if you purchase from that merchant.” Survivorship life insurance, also known as second-to-die life insurance, is a type of policy that covers two individuals,...

June is Men’s Health Month

June is Men's Health Month, a time to focus on the well-being of men and promote healthy habits. It's concerning that inactive men are sixty percent more likely to suffer from depression than those who exercise regularly. Men have...

UNDERSTANDING FINAL EXPENSE: A Comprehensive Guide To Funeral Insurance

Spring/2023 Final expense insurance, also known as burial insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to cover the costs associated with a person’s funeral and burial expenses. This type of insurance is typically purchased by older adults who want to...

Retirement Strategy Checklist – The Top 18 Questions To ASK!

Retirement Strategy Checklist (The Top 18 Questions To ASK To Secure The Future of Your Money In An Uncertain Economy) 899-888-1397 TAKE THE STEPS – ASK THE QUESTIONS – GET THE SOLUTIONS WELCOME, TO YOUR WORLD OF RETIREMENT… When it comes to retirement planning,...

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...

Tips for Staying Safe Healthy Indoors This Winter

Current events may keep you inside more than usual this winter, which means you may go a bit stir-crazy. Sackett & Associates Insurance Services is not only here to provide you with a quality health insurance broker Santa Rosa,...

5 Ways Covered California Can Assist You

Understanding health insurance and finding the right coverage isn’t always easy. There is a lot to comprehend, and often, accessing important and practical information about health insurance can be difficult for some. This is where Covered California comes in....

TWIA needs almost $5.8bn in reinsurance for 2025, as CRTF eroded by Beryl, PML rises

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) is looking at another relatively significant increase in its reinsurance purchase next year, as it projects it may need almost $5.8 billion of reinsurance and catastrophe bond limit, due to the near-erosion of...

Catastrophe bonds rarely more compelling on a relative basis: Icosa

On a relative basis, catastrophe bonds have rarely presented a more compelling investment opportunity than today, as despite spreads having tightened somewhat the cat bond asset class diversification offering can be at its strongest when other assets like equities...

The Magnificent 7: Think the run is over? Think again…

The “Magnificent 7” refers to a group of leading tech companies — including Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Meta (Facebook), Tesla, and Nvidia — that have shown exceptional growth and market performance. While...

LIC’s Amritbaal (874), a new child plan by LIC

Life Insurance Corporation of India has decided to launch a new children’s plan, Amritbaal (Plan No. 874), starting 17/02/2024. LIC’s Amritbaal is a non-linked, non-participating individual savings and life insurance plan. LIC’s Amritbaal is an Endowment Plan that provides...

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