Monday, March 17, 2025

Key Insights for Employers...

In the United States, health care costs affect both employers and employees, and...

How to Choose a...

There are many choices you need to make when...

Singapore’s Upcoming Mental Health...

Employers looking to support their staff amidst mental health challenges will be able...

Top 3 Essential Tips...

Florida workers compensation exemption renewal is crucial for many business owners seeking to...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong...

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference in Hong Kong this week, Li Yunze, the Chairman of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), explained China’s ambition to see more of its own insurance and reinsurance companies establishing international branch offices in Hong Kong. He also highlighted ILS as a continued focus, asking re/insurers to look to the Special Administrative Region as a location to sponsor catastrophe bonds and insurance-linked securities (ILS) out of. “The Financial Regulatory...

Should You Choose High-Deductible or Low-Deductible Health Insurance?

Having health insurance protects you from paying high medical bills. In the event of a serious illness or injury, your insurance company covers at least some of the expenses involved with your treatment. However, the trade-off is that you have to first pay something to obtain the coverage and then absorb a portion of the costs of treatment yourself. The price you pay to have coverage is the premium, while the amount you have to contribute toward your own care is the deductible.You have the choice of a plan with either a high deductible or a low deductible. Each offers advantages and disadvantages. A health insurance...

Consumer Protection Assistance is Essential in a Group Legal Plan — Legal Insurance Blog — December 14, 2023

As an employer, you are responsible for providing your employees with a comprehensive benefits package that includes healthcare, retirement plans, and even legal assistance....

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...


Plenum exceeds $200m of assets in CAT Bond Dynamic fund

Plenum Investments, the specialist manager of catastrophe bond and other reinsurance-linked assets, has successfully grown its Plenum CAT Bond Dynamic fund to more than...

Allstate targets $350m multi-peril reinsurance with Sanders Re II 2024-3 cat bond

US primary insurer Allstate is back in the catastrophe bond market and seeking $350 million or more in multi-peril catastrophe reinsurance protection from the...

Hurricane Preparedness for Businesses | Scott Insurance

Save as PDF With the peak of hurricane season upon us, it is important for businesses to know how to proactively minimize potential loss and...

Understanding Electric Car Insurance and Electric Car Acronyms 

With the rise in popularity of electric cars, there’s been a surge of specific terminologies and acronyms, several of which are used to...

Strategies to Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in Senior Living Employee Populations

Save as PDF The business need – and population health need – of having larger percentages of vaccinated employees in the Senior Living industry is...

Why You Need To Sign a Medicare Scope of Appointment Form

Nobody likes salespeople who are pushy, or even worse, dishonest. As you likely know, though, these people are found everywhere — even in the healthcare industry. When you’re shopping for a Medicare policy, you want to avoid these people...

Medicare Open Enrollment Guide for 2023

Open enrollment 2023 is happening soon for Medicare. From October 15 to December 7 each year, Medicare recipients can make changes to their coverage. Medicare health insurance options can be tricky to navigate. Check out some of the most...

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Must know

FloodSmart Re cat bond modeller KatRisk gets acquired

KatRisk, the catastrophe risk modelling software provider and the third-party risk modelling agency for the NFIP’s FloodSmart Re catastrophe bonds, has been acquired by...

Tips for Staying Safe Healthy Indoors This Winter

Current events may keep you inside more than usual this winter, which means you may go a bit stir-crazy. Sackett & Associates Insurance Services...

A Retailer’s Guide to Loss Prevention

More than $112 billion was lost to retail shrinkage in a recent year, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF). Retail loss, or “shrinkage”...

Protect Your Mortgage With NJ Term Life Insurance

  Life Insurance for NJ individuals and families can be available in various forms. A good option for homeowners with a mortgage is Term Life...

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Mini Tort Claim Denied Or At-Fault Driver Refuses To Pay

How to hold a driver responsible for vehicle damage under the Michigan mini tort If the at-fault driver who damaged your car refuses pay...

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Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

In a rapidly evolving job market, sometimes it seems like the only constant is change. We’ve seen once-hot careers displaced by automation, whole industries disrupted by new technology, or job sites moving to other states — or even other...

Protect Yourself and Your Home or Business

Ladder safety is something many overlook, but it’s crucial to preventing serious injuries. In fact, more than 164,000 ladder-related injuries result in emergency room visits every year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Whether you’re tackling home...

Explore 6 Insurance Options Before Deciding You Can’t Retire

With early retirement, people can reduce their stress, explore hobbies, and enjoy more free time to travel or be with family. It can be a great move if you are financially secure. However, health insurance is one concern that...

Cara Membuat Emping Melinjo yang Renyah dan Gurih

Nah, di artikel ini, kita bakal bahas cara membuat emping melinjo secara lengkap, mulai dari pemilihan bahan, proses pembuatannya, sampai tips biar hasilnya...

New Jersey Doesn’t Require Boat Insurance. Get it Anyway.

“The boat is safer anchored at the port, but that is not the aim of boats.”― Paulo Coelho, The Pilgrimage   Did you know that you are not required to have boat insurance to operate a vessel on the water in...

Covid-19 Holiday Let Cleaning Guidance

Last Updated on April 6, 2022 by adminIn response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the hospitality and tourism industry have pulled together to produce protocols across all sectors, including specific Covid-19 Holiday Let Cleaning Guidance for self-catering properties. The Covid-19...

Get ‘hurricane ready’ before storms threaten home or business

Hurricanes can be among nature’s most destructive events.   Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, though storms can take place outside of those dates. Take steps to minimize damage and speed...

Insurance That Gives Back

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by adminBoshers Insurance is headed by Jason Jackson, who has worked in the insurance industry for 36 years. Jason is an avid history fan and enjoys travelling both abroad and within the UK....

Glenn Insurance & Nationwide Donate $2,000 to Support Avanzar’s Mission in South Jersey

(From left to right: Michael F. Thomas, Executive Vice President, Glenn Insurance; Susan Sykes, Senior Commercial Lines Underwriter, Glenn Insurance; Tim Glenn, President, Glenn Insurance; Claudia Ratzlaff, CEO, Avanzar; Cheryl Tamasitis, Associate Vice President, Nationwide; and Ross Setlow, Territory...

Boshers secures funding towards #2minutebeachclean `go-to’ litter pick app

Last Updated on November 19, 2021 by adminBoshers has donated its £3,750 grant from Ecclesiastical Insurance to The 2 Minute Foundation. The funding will help achieve their aims to see a world without plastic litter and pollution and to...

Tips to help control insurance costs

You can control some aspects of your insurance costs. Your independent agent can help.   Much like the price of groceries and gasoline, insurance premiums are increasing. Especially if you haven’t had a claim, you...

Summer! Time for play … and maybe some work, too

Sharing a meal from the grill is a great way to kick off the summer this holiday weekend.   Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of summer: time to grill on the patio, take the...

Helping to keep you informed – Supreme Court Judgement and FCA Test Case

Last Updated on January 25, 2021 by admin There has been much media coverage of the Supreme Court Judgement made on the 15th January 2021 regarding the FCA Test Case involving some insurers business interruption wordings. Understandably this has caused...

How to leave a legacy

You don’t need to be a millionaire to leave a meaningful legacy to your loved ones. Here, how to begin thinking of your legacy, and how to begin building it now, in both monetary and value-based waysby Anna Davies...

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...

Preparing your home for vacation

Vacation is for fun and relaxation. Help save yourself some worry about what could be happening at home by protecting it from theft and damage while you are away. Here is a checklist we have developed to help you have...

How Does a Medicare Advantage Plan Work?

If you’re approaching age 65 or your Indicial Election Enrollment Period or just starting to explore your Medicare options, you’ve likely come across the term “Medicare Advantage.” Also known as Medicare Part C, Medicare Advantage plans are an addition to Original Medicare (Parts...

Empire Life Blog 2024 Semi-annual Market Outlook: Macroeconomic Overview

Monetary policy, global growth, politics and innovation have dominated headlines in 2024, and we expect these broad themes to continue to have an impact on markets as we head into the second half of the year. Monetary policy & global...

Annual Travel Insurance: Affording Constant Jetsetters With Continuous Protection

“This post may contain affiliate links, if you click a link we may earn a commission if you purchase from that merchant.” Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it also comes with its fair share of risks....

Your Guide to Purchasing a Home Security System

In today’s world, home security has become a top priority for homeowners looking to protect their property and loved ones. With burglaries and home invasions a constant concern, investing in a reliable home security system can provide invaluable peace...

UNDERSTANDING FINAL EXPENSE: A Comprehensive Guide To Funeral Insurance

Spring/2023 Final expense insurance, also known as burial insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to cover the costs associated with a person’s funeral and burial expenses. This type of insurance is typically purchased by older adults who want to...

Navigating Group Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance plans each have their own rules, benefits and drawbacks. These can be tricky enough to work out when you're buying health insurance for just yourself, but when you're looking for a plan to provide employee benefits, a...

China financial regulator continues to promote Hong Kong for catastrophe bonds

China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference...

How to Prevent House Fires & What to Do if One Occurs

October is National Fire Prevention Month, making it an ideal time to raise awareness about fire safety at home. House fires have devastating consequences, and preparedness is critical to reducing risk. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),...

How Wildfire Smoke Affects Air Quality and Health

Wildfire smoke presents significant health hazards due to the deterioration of air quality. People do not have to be in a high-risk health category to be affected by unhealthy levels of particulate matter and other compounds generated by fires. A...

Liability Considerations for Affordable Housing Developments

Save as PDF Affordable housing developments are a critical component of building a strong economy, and the need for affordable housing today is urgent.  According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s 2022 Report, the U.S. is facing a shortage...

Where to Find the Best Car Insurance in Utah

When insuring your vehicles, the search for the best car insurance in Utah isn’t just about finding the lowest price. While affordability is important, other critical factors can make a world of difference in the quality of coverage and...

Medicaid vs Private Health Insurance: Who Qualifies and How They Compare

“This post may contain affiliate links, if you click a link we may earn a commission if you purchase from that merchant.” Medicaid and private health insurance are two types of health coverage that individuals can obtain to help pay...

Empire Life Blog How Might U.S. Elections and Fed Rate Cut Influence Markets?

This past week has been marked by significant developments in the United States, highlighted by President Donald Trump's conclusive electoral triumph, along with a policy adjustment from the Federal Reserve, which elected to reduce the overnight interest rates by...

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