That shiny new ride is right in reach. You’ve searched high and low, spent more time reviewing reviews on Google than you want to admit, but the time has come! You are ready to purchase your new (or new to you) vehicle. Before you head over to the dealership, make sure you have all the documents you’ll need to make the process as smooth as possible.
What Documents Should I Bring?Here is your standard list of things to have ready when you walk in to purchase a vehicle: Driver’s License....
Parking lots can be treacherous territory.In fact, tens of thousands of crashes and hundreds of deaths occur each year in parking lots, according to...
Change the filters
There are several important filters to keep your car engine and should be changed as follows:
Changing the oil filter At least every...
Understanding state minimum requirements is essential for every Texas driver. Amco Auto Insurance, located in Houston, TX, is here to help you navigate these...