That shiny new ride is right in reach. You’ve searched high and low, spent more time reviewing reviews on Google than you want to admit, but the time has come! You are ready to purchase your new (or new to you) vehicle. Before you head over to the dealership, make sure you have all the documents you’ll need to make the process as smooth as possible.
What Documents Should I Bring?Here is your standard list of things to have ready when you walk in to purchase a vehicle: Driver’s License....
The most important car insurance advice for young drivers in Michigan includes: (1) always have valid coverage on your vehicle; (2) buy full coverage,...
The telematics car insurance discount will result in modest short-term savings. But giving your insurance company access to information about your driving and driving...
No longer can auto insurance companies use overly broad No-Fault fraud clauses in their policies to take away all of your legally-guaranteed Michigan auto...