China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), the financial industry regulatory agency under the State Council of the People’s Republic, is continuing to promote Hong Kong as a venue for insurers and reinsurers to sponsor catastrophe bonds.Speaking at a conference in Hong Kong this week, Li Yunze, the Chairman of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA), explained China’s ambition to see more of its own insurance and reinsurance companies establishing international branch offices in Hong Kong.
He also highlighted ILS as a continued focus, asking re/insurers to look to the Special...
Here’s a final reminder to register for our Artemis Live webinar, being held this week on November 21st 2024, in which industry expert speakers will...
On a relative basis, catastrophe bonds have rarely presented a more compelling investment opportunity than today, as despite spreads having tightened somewhat the cat...
With barriers to adoption of modern analytical methodologies and technological innovations lower than ever, Ben Brookes, Managing Director – Advisory Services, Moody’s Insurance Solutions,...
3 Questions You Should be Asking
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The COVID-19 pandemic has created a crisis globally and manufacturing and distribution (M&D) companies are responding to...
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There are many different uses for surety bonds in the Affordable Housing industry. In our surety practice, we work frequently with contractors...
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The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued revisions to regulations that implement the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical...
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Many insurance carriers use third-party crime scores to evaluate their exposure to criminal risk when underwriting general liability insurance policies. At worst,...
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With the major media organizations having now called the presidential election declaring former Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th President of...